Common Types of Dental Procedures

There are many reasons why people go for dental surgeries. These can be correcting of bite issues, tooth bites, cavities or so on. You might also have underwent the dental surgeries, if you have undergone any dental problem. These surgeries are performed by the dental surgeon. Here is a list of some different types of dental surgeries.

1. Wisdom teeth: It may happen that the wisdom teeth gets impact and you may need a dentist to cure it. The misalignment of the wisdom teeth also makes the negative impact on position of other teeth. In this treatment the gums need to be cut and opened to remove the teeth. This type of surgery is majorly done on the wisdom teeth and to make the position for other teeth.

2. Dental extractions: This process involves the removal of the teeth on order to align the teeth in proper order. Tooth extraction is usually done on the patient’s consent. The extraction is cheaper as compared to repairing the decayed teeth.

3. Root canal: This surgery can be performed by general dentist. The process is carried with a local anesthesia which nubs the area and prevents pain. The root canal and the pulp is removed and is filled with a cap. After some days a permanent cap is placed over the tooth.

The dental surgeries can be a cause of worry for most of the people. So, you can consult a dentist before undergoing any surgery. You can also contact orthodontist in Wantagh and help yourself to get rid of dental problems.

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