Find The Best Of Wantagh Orthodontics

If you want a healthy and confident smile, then you need to find the most reliable Wantagh orthodontics. South shore orthodontics helps you in getting the smile you always dreamed about. The team works together in increasing your oral hygiene. They understand that people are often doubtful when coming to an orthodontist. Any new treatment is bound to generate some doubt.


What makes South shore orthodontics the best orthodontics in Wantagh, is that they make use of the latest technological methods in bringing to you the best of oral healthcare. They are a certified provider of Invisalign, which allows you to get straight healthy teeth that you have always wanted without braces. A free consultation is offered in which you get the opportunity to determine whether Invisalign is right for you or not.

As one of the best Wantagh orthodontics, they offer a wide range of service choices when it comes to straightening your teeth. Among them, one such service choice is incognito orthodontic braces which are placed behind your teeth so that nobody will even know that you have got braces on! These braces make use of state of the art technology and are 100% customized, invisible, fixed braces system on the market today.

The rest of the treatment options include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, emergency care, etc. If you want to gain a healthy and beautiful smile, then schedule an appointment now with the best orthodontics in Wantagh. Don’t wait till it’s too late!

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Can I Floss With Braces?

We follow strict orthodontic at Wantagh and we ensure that all our clients go happy with a deep smile on their faces. Achieving a great smile is not only in the hands of an orthodontist, we need full support from the patients as well. When our patients follow whatever we tell them, we can ensure that they get their desired look as soon as possible.

We are here to discuss about how you can floss despite wearing braces. When you wear braces, your teeth are wrapped tight. It is difficult to simply brush, let alone flossing. The flossing is difficult for sure, but it is not impossible to achieve. You just need to take a different approach and you will be able to floss your teeth with braces as well.

To start with, you need to have a regular dental floss and a device called floss threaded. A floss threader is nothing but a small plastic loop with a straight long end. The floss threaded is used with the dental floss to ensure that the floss is cleared from the arch wires as well. You will need to floss each teeth very carefully and gradually.

There is a procedure that you need to follow and your orthodontist will be able to help you. If you have doubts with it, you can reach out to us. Our orthodontists will be able to help you.

For more such information on orthodontics in Wantagh, you should reach out to us. 

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Orthodontics and Orthodontic Issues

Orthodontics is a part of dentistry that focuses only on teeth, their positioning and issues related to them while general dentistry focuses on overall oral care. Doctors who practice orthodontics are called orthodontists.
Orthodontics is as important as taking care of any other body organ. People do not realize this until they start having serious issues with their misaligned teeth. Treatment must be done on time to prevent major surgeries later in life. Parents must make sure they teach healthy oral habits to their children. All these small efforts add up to a healthy life.

Orthodontic issues

There are a lot of problems that can be caused due to misaligned teeth. Wantagh orthodontics describes them as follows:

-Overcrowding: It is a condition where teeth do not get enough space to erupt from the gums.

-Spacing: In this condition there is a gap between the teeth. It may be caused due to a missing tooth.

-Protrusion: It occurs when the lower teeth are inclined inwards or the upper teeth extend forward than normal.

-Dental lines not aligned: It occurs when the dental symmetry is not present.

-Underbite: in this condition the lower jaw extends out.

All these problems can be fixed with proper treatment. The treatment can be done by aligners like braces or invisalign. The aligners exert pressure on the teeth and cause them to shift to the right position. This happens gradually and takes a few visits to the orthodontist. The cost of the treatment depends on the intensity of crookedness of teeth. 

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